Monica Goes Travel Show & Blog

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Why YouTube Scares Me

I've been creating and hosting Monica Goes for over two years now and I have a confession...YouTube scares me. This entire social media, blogging, and vlogging world scares me! I feel a bit old and late to the game. When I started, I had to google "how to use twitter". All I ever wanted to do was host and inspire people to go on adventures! SEO's, MCN's, CPM's...all I knew was I wanted to be a CEO of my own brand, the rest of those three letter terms are gibberish to me. It's been one serious learning curve! And every time I think I'm getting it, some new term or app comes out and I feel like my grandma trying to figure out how to turn a computer on!

But I've come to two big realizations; I can't do what I do and spread inspiration without an audience, and I don't want to!

So I have to find a way to connect. Participating in Twitter chats was the first step into the online communication waters and I loved it! Communicating with people all around the world in real time about our shared passions was incredible! I even made some genuine friends that I've met up with in real life.

Instagram was both harder and easier. Building a following on Instagram was a lot easier because everyone likes pretty pictures and its not a big commitment. But having genuine relationships and engagement with followers I find difficult on there. They like a photo and move on. Granted, I do the same, but I want to get to know people too and support what one another does creatively.

And then there's YouTube. This is the life blood of my show, it's where it lives. But there's something about the millions of vlogs, and everyone trying to go viral and become internet famous, and dumb pranks that scares me about this medium. I was WAY late to the game and the average demographic is between where do I fit in?

Well, the first and most important thing, is that I genuinely believe in what I'm creating. There's so much content in the media and creating something positive and inspiring means a lot to me. I also don't want my show to be about me, I want it to be about the locations and adventures and I think that makes it more of a show than a "vlog".

So now I'm jumping in! I just purchased my first VidCon ticket because I need to push past my fear and actually see what's out there. It's time to put my stereotypes to rest and meet people face to face and learn from the best.

If there's one thing I've tried to do over and over in my life it's conquer my fears (or at least not let them stop me). I will not let the big scary internet full of teenagers deter me. I believe there is a place for all of us both online and in real life and when we have a calling we need to follow it. So, VidCon, here I come!

To learn more about the show check out this video!