Lifestyle Lifestyle

Why YouTube Scares Me

I've been creating and hosting Monica Goes for over two years now and I have a confession...YouTube scares me. This entire social media, blogging, and vlogging world scares me! I feel a bit old and late to the game. When I started, I had to google "how to use twitter". All I ever wanted to do was host and inspire people to go on adventures! SEO's, MCN's, CPM's...all I knew was I wanted to be a CEO of my own brand, the rest of those three letter terms are gibberish to me. It's been one serious learning curve!

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

Shooting a Webseries on an iPhone

For me it was a way to start. A way to learn about this whole hosting thing and taking videos when I'm out and about. I never could have dreamed the show would take off and get to the point where it is today. And all shot on my iPhone!

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