Lifestyle Lifestyle

A Moment of Gratitude

Moments like these are sometimes hard to find. Those beautiful perfect moments where you are so present and grateful to be right there, right then, that before you know it tears are brimming at your eyelids. And it's even more incredible when those moments come unexpectedly. Sometimes I find myself expecting those awestruck times to come staring at a sunrise or a mountain, and those do occur, but when it's an ordinary day and you're suddenly so paralyzed with gratitude, it's beautiful.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

Why YouTube Scares Me

I've been creating and hosting Monica Goes for over two years now and I have a confession...YouTube scares me. This entire social media, blogging, and vlogging world scares me! I feel a bit old and late to the game. When I started, I had to google "how to use twitter". All I ever wanted to do was host and inspire people to go on adventures! SEO's, MCN's, CPM's...all I knew was I wanted to be a CEO of my own brand, the rest of those three letter terms are gibberish to me. It's been one serious learning curve!

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