Goat Yoga - The Latest Fitness Craze Is Pure Joy!

If you haven’t heard of goat yoga just yet, don't worry you will! It’s the newest fitness craze and it’s exactly what it sounds like…yoga with goats! And it’s every bit as amazing as it sounds too! Goat yoga started back 2016 and it’s starting to pop up all over the country, and sell out everywhere. I’m always looking for unique adventures, so this was one I just had to try.

Hilltop Views Farms in Williamston Michigan offers goat yoga classes every two weeks so I was super pumped to be able to catch a class. This beautiful farm is owned by Shawn and Nick Cannarile and the second you get here you feel a warm and inviting spirit to the place. Once you get settled in, Shawn gives a quick run down of what to expect and how the class is going to run (complete with Goat happy hour for some after-class cuddles). 

To begin the class, the yoga instructor takes you through few basic goat-free stretches. Once you’ve gotten the blood moving Shawn lets the goats in and it’s free reign! We had 3-4 full sized goats and 3 babies in the group. They immediately began checking everyone out and getting up close and personal. Its a wonderful combination of doing something that’s good for your body as well as good for your soul.

Watching everyone act like excited little kids as goats climbed onto their backs was wonderful. It’s animal-assisted therapy at it’s best because I dare you to try to be unhappy with a baby goat on your back. Once the initial yoga part of the class is finished, there is about 30 minutes of goat happy hour to get up, pet the goats, and get your goat-selfie in. All in all, this is pure joy!

Check out the full video of this awesome adventure!


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