New Year, New Grace

Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but for me 2022 was a wild, blurry, ride. I began the year with a broken foot, a miscarriage, and loss of work. I had to humble myself and take a “real job” after doing Monica Goes full-time for 2 years. I then started the spring pregnant again and spent the rest of the year as a baby-making machine. I was forced to step back from adventures and learn to slow down. It was a hard, beautiful, transitional year that ended with the most beautiful baby boy. Oh yeah, if you haven’t heard from me in awhile, it’s because Mr. Grayson Sawicki was born November 10th at a tiny 5 lb 8 oz and I’ve spent the past 6 weeks in another pivot adjusting, loving, and learning, all about motherhood.

As the year ends, I find myself in new territory. See, normally this is my favorite time of year to prepare for the hustle, get my 2023 calendar filled up with excursions, clients, and adventures and create resolutions that are all career-minded. I find these days my motivation muscle feels like mush (along with all of my other muscles). So as I head into the new year, my word for 2023 is “Grace”. I’ve made a promise to be kind to myself through these transitional times and lean into my new pivots. I still have goals and dreams but one thing I have learned these past few weeks is that time no longer just revolves around me. In the past I could just wake up earlier or stay up later, but these days little man dictates my day and my routine. My to-do list seems to keep growing as the time (and sleep) I had before are not the same. As someone who’s an extreme planner, it’s been interesting to realize I need flexibility in my plans for baby plans. I can have the best of intentions to hustle and get things done and find at the end of the day all I managed was feeding the tiny human every 2 hours and a load of laundry.

This is the first time I’m beginning a year with a completely blank calendar (other than a wedding I need to start planning). It’s scary and wonderful at the same time. I know that starting this week, I head back to a job that I love, ready to get back into hiking and running (despite the extra weight), and a new passion that’s pivoting within Monica Goes that will include baby adventures and local hikes. I promise there are more blogs and videos coming but they may be more sporadic. They most likely won’t be scheduled out in detail for every two weeks as my life now is full of unknowns and unexpected plans. So as we head into 2023 I encourage everyone to give themself a little bit of grace and allow themselves to embrace the unknown of life’s pivots. Thank you for all of your patience and support over the years. May this next year bring you joy, love, and peace.


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